这本书通过一个简单的微服务项目Coolstore, 一步步介绍了Cloud-Native相关的技术,框架和平台。尽管没有深入讲具体的某门技术,但是从一个更高的视角给予云原生的企业Java的开发一些技术性的介绍也是很好的。
Chapter 1 : Revisiting Enterprise Development
Chapter 2 : The Path to Cloud Native Java
Chapter 3: Travel Light on Your Pathway
Chapter 4: A Kubernetes-Based Software Development Platform
Chapter 5: Beyond Lift and Shift: Working with Legacy
Chapter 6: Building Kubernetes-Native Applications
Chapter 7: Tomorrow’s Solutions: Serverless
With this chapter, we complete this “Concise Cloud Native Guide for Developers.”
From microservices to functions, Java developers today have a complete set of frame‐
works, tools, and platforms such as Kubernetes that can help them modernize their
architectures, innovate their solutions, and look ahead to solve the next challenges in
today’s IT context. This context is one that is ever more heterogeneous, ubiquitous,
large scale, and cloud native.